Monday, September 22, 2008

Things fueling my dissertation

  • dark chocolate
  • Aretha Franklin tunes
  • ginger tea
  • stretching on yoga mat & yoga ball
  • walks around the block to 'get out of my head' for a minute
  • cold weather attire to combat the office A/C--I keep a sarong, long sleeve shirt and socks on hand
  • Pandora radio. Especially when it says 'We're sorry. We'll never play that song again.'
  • Conversations like this with my office mate Josh:

    "You know what you should do, Leigh Ann? Whenever you get off task, you should do 50 sit ups. You would be so ripped."
    "Josh, I would be an exercise bulimic with a concave stomach and an unfinished dissertation."

"I went to Sunglasses Hut to buy sunglasses like Barack Obama wears. They cost $164 so
I'm going to wait and see if he wins first before I buy them."

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